Constituent Support for Traci
“I’m not very political, but I have to say I’m very thankful for everything Traci Toguchi has done for my family and community. I wrote countless letters to various city and state agencies for assistance with a safety concern at a crosswalk in my neighborhood. No one ever responded or took any action. It was only after bringing this issue to Traci… Carol Fukunaga’s aide that our issue was resolved. I am forever grateful for her help and proud to put up my FIRST political sign at our house. VOTE FOR TRACI TOGUCHI... !
- Mr. Lum, Liliha
“Traci has been the go-to-person with a proven track record of hard work in helping to resolve the many challenging City issues in my area. Traci’s resume shows she is the most qualified candidate for our District VI Council seat.”
- Sylvia Young, Pauoa
“Traci is an individual who will never leave any stone unturned. She helped me with problems... even when there was no chance at victory with the City. She cared enough to keep pressing forward when I no longer had the will to go on... Traci showed me what our government had been lacking for way too long, someone who hears our concerns, and finds a way to make things right. She is one who will champion our concerns of our community and will find solutions to hard problems.”
- Ms. Leger, Liliha
“After much deliberation and vetting of the issues most pressing in our neighborhood, I think Traci Toguchi is the best candidate to replace Council Member Carol Fukunaga… [who] is terming out… The great news about Traci is that she is aware of the Pacific Heights Road concerns such as traffic safety, crime and Monster Houses. In fact, she has worked on these issues as a member of CM Fukunaga’s staff over the past few years. I first met Traci over 20 years ago on the movie set of the independent film Picture Bride, the award winning story of… many AJA plantation workers... She is talented, hardworking and bright to say the least.”
- Dean Sakamoto, Pacific Heights
“Traci has been a God-send. Regarding a noise issue, she was persistent, consistent, had a sincere concern about our living conditions, and got the issue resolved. She researched, followed up, talked with the City Department of Planning and Permitting, HPD, etc. She’s very detail-oriented. It took a while, but she was persistent. She’s on our side. She helped make life livable.”
- Ms. Abe, Downtown Honolulu
“As Legislative Analyst for Councilmember Fukunaga, Ms. Toguchi responded to my written inquiry regarding a neighborhood concern. Ms. Toguchi met with us in person immediately, gathering information from all of us. She researched the issue and gathered information from the relevant organizations, resulting in positive outcomes for our neighborhood. Mahalo Nui Loa, Ms. Toguchi!”
– Mrs. Choy, Nuuanu
“Traci knows Chinatown. She knows the many issues, some big, while others are small, some short and others are long term issues. Throughout the pandemic, she has been taking my calls and emails, and doing tireless work within various city departments and other agencies to resolve the issues. Xie Xie Traci for all your assistance.”
– Mr. Wong, Chinatown
“I especially extend my deepest Mahalo to Councilmember Carol Fukunaga and her Legislative Analyst, Traci Toguchi who tirelessly followed through until the very end... Traci’s ongoing communication with me was exemplary.”
– Mr. Matsuo, Kalihi Valley
“Traci has been instrumental in listening to community members and working through City processes to solve problems, answer questions and mainly focusing on long term remedies to improve City services by analyzing worker shortages, early worker attrition, and worker pay and coming up with doable solutions. She has helped my community… I want someone who will represent my District 6… who will continue to solve our day to day issues and tackle our big issues (housing shortages, homelessness, monster homes, transportation, government vacancies and government accountability).”
– Ms. Chun, Nuuanu
"I have worked with Traci on various issues and have always been impressed with her breadth of experience and knowledge and grateful for her positive disposition.”
– Mr. Lopes, Punchbowl
“Traci’s commitment, work ethic and humble demeanor amazed me. She treats everyone with respect and listens to what they say. She was constantly checking on us and followed up on everything we talked about and discussed. She is humble and full of energy and it wasn’t until recently that by accident I found out that she was actually Miss Hawaii 1995, which impressed me even more. We need more people like Traci to run for public office, people who are not in it for status or recognition, people who care about family values and the future of our community.”
– Mr. Bia, Manager at the Car Store Inc., Kakaako
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